"Create Empowered Choices & Step into 2023 with a Deeper Connection to You" with Katherine Porter

The end of the year, is an opportunity to reflect on what the last 365 days looked and felt like, what worked and what areas need more healing, attention and support.

I started 2022 with a new awareness of how I can serve others on a deeper level. 

I’ve gained more insight into the life circumstances and unexpected situations which tap into the fear and overwhelm of the unknown.

My own growth and learning for sure wasn’t without bumps, resistance or wanting to retreat to where I was before I had this new “idea”.

If you’re like me, life for sure brings surprises and those gifts are often met with trepidation. 

We want those surprise gifts returned to sender immediately!

The gift of the surprise may expose an area of yourself which we never experienced before. 

When there isn’t an established way forward that we can draw from like when we are tackling situations like a conflict in an intimate partner relationship, unexpected financial burdens, navigating our boundaries with friends and family or anything else that trips you up can leave you feeling “what did I do wrong”. 

These are catalystic events expose your vulnerability, but also highlights a growth edge for you too.

The routine in your schedule, the expectation of how your day is going to move along is questioned. 

The experience of fear and uncertainty is a completely valid when tackling a new endeavor or sourcing solutions for a problem you’re facing. 

You see, our brains aren’t hardwired for change. 

Our brains desire linear pathways forward and life and reality is all over the place. 

This can create our own inner conflict.

Learning allows you the opportunity to deepen the trust in yourself and your inner knowing of how you desire to move forward. 

When you’re a life long learner and desire to grow, you will be a beginner again and again when you’re learning anything new. 

As you step into that beginner role, you are stepping into a new way of being. 

This new way of being requires you to take action differently than before while creating space so you can show up in a new way.

When we feel the excitement of developing a new skill, inevitably the excitement fades and we feel confusion. 

You question “is this right?” “What am I doing?” simultaneously, your old way of doing things is being dismantled. 

The security of relying on old patterns is no longer working and the security of your comfort zone doesn’t feel safe anymore. Confusion free falls into frustration.

I’m here to share, these tides in learning are a part of the process.

Receiving support as you move through these heavy sensations can lead you to a new breakthrough, a new level of yourself. 

When you take the plunge with someone you trust and express yourself in an authentic way, you can feel yourself expand. 

You take the steps in discovering what financial freedom is for you and your lifestyle

You trust your inner knowing in the choices that are aligned with your vision.

You feel more connected with others around you because you show yourself more compassion and love.

You are creating the life you desire because you are more aware of your own self and what your deepest desires are calling forth in your life and you are open to receive these new awarenesses emerging from you. 

If you’re curious about how you can start 2023 by deepening the connection with yourself sets the stage in becoming attuned to your desires while understanding your inner process and how you handle change, I invite you to join me for the 90 min Creating Empowering Choices Workshop at Sol Health Yoga!

January 14, 2023 at 10am

Katherine Porter, MSW CPDT-KA

Body Mind Coach

CEO Four Paws & You Dog Training


Maya Revillasol health