Salt (Halo) Therapy


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Dry salt can improve your respiratory system.

We are taking wellness to another level here at Sol Health Yoga. Halotherapy better known as salt therapy, is a natural, holistic, and drug free treatment. Salt therapy can be likened to spending time in the refreshing and ionizing salty sea air, which offers health benefits beyond just relaxation.

Halotherapy is an alternative treatment, where you breath in dried and ground micro-particles of pharmaceutical grade salt. These salt particles work to cleanse your bodies respiratory system as you breath it in through your lungs and absorp the salt via the largest organ your body has, your skin. Salt is naturally antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and hydrophilic, meaning it has the ability to thin and break up mucus. It can even reduce congestion, improve skin conditions and reduce or prevent conditions associated with inflammation. When the salt particles are combined with water molecules, it creates negative ions in your body which have been known to boost the immune system, elevate mood and relieve stress.

You might already know that dry salt is absorbent, acting like a soft sponge which can attract foreign substances in the respiratory tract. Try imagining the salt particles acting like a toothbrush, cleaning the build-up of foreign elements that can cause various respiratory ailments and conditions. Clean lungs are healthy lungs.

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Respiratory Conditions that may improve:

Those who include Halotherapy in their wellness routine can find relief from a variety of respiratory conditions such as:

  • Asthma

  • Allergies

  • Common cold

  • Bronchitis

  • COPD

  • Cystic fibrosis

  • Sinusitis

  • Ear infections

  • Smokers cough

For respiratory conditions, low concentration and gradual administration of dry salt and consistency of the sessions are the key elements for successful results.


The History of Halotherapy

There is record starting from the12th century, where it was common in Eastern Europe to practice visiting salt caves for therapeutic reasons. This is said to be in response to an event in the 1800s, where salt miners in Poland discovered a modern version of what we now enjoy as halotherapy. Despite their daily work in mines, the Polish miners miraculously didn’t suffer from any respiratory conditions and were even unusually healthy when compared to other mining operations. Later, research began to show that thanks to the salty air the miners where breathing in, their lungs were protected and kept free from infection and allergies. It is because of this that the Eastern European salt mines started to became a very popular tourist destinations, attracting people from all over the world.


How Halotherapy Improves Skin Health

Scientific research has recently confirmed that micro-particles of dry salt have an active and beneficial influence on the integumentary system which provides the healing effects. The salt creates pH normalization and triggers both a reparative and regenerative processes in the skin, increasing skin rigidity, stimulating growth, and even improves the health of your hair. The dry salt will impact your skins microcirculation and can help the cellular membrane activity by enhancing its effectiveness. It has been found to benefit people with psoriasis, eczema, acne and so much more.


Contraindications: Halotherapy is recognized as a safe and effective wellness practice for preventive and restorative health care. It is not a medical treatment and does not offer a cure! Halotherapy is not recommended for people with contagious diseases, fever, open wounds, lung cancer, severe hypertension, mental disorders and active tuberculosis. Pregnant women should consult with their doctor before using Halotherapy. Anyone with serious health concerns needs to seek proper medical advice and care.