Autumn Equinox


I can hardly believe we are at the precipice of the changing season once again into the Autumn months. I can already feel the shift in the air and am looking forward to turning inward, slowing down to create space to find more balance in all areas of my life which is what this upcoming Autumn Equinox asks of us.


I recently returned home with my family from an amazing trip to Arizona for the Sol Health Yoga Sedona retreat, where I had the honor of co-facilitating at the retreat sharing the power of ceremony, drum circles, sound journeys, a reiki attunement class and more. Its was such an incredible Soul-filling and heart opening week with our Sol community and a gift to be able to share what I hold so close to my heart on the powerful sacred lands there.


Since arriving home, I've been preparing for a new homeschooling year alongside my beloved husband. I'm excited to be aligning with the amazing like-minded community working towards co-creating a Nature based seasonal co-op something I've been calling into my life for sometime now. Its been beautiful to witness both sides of my world, as a Mama and Sacred Space holder come together in such a beautiful way in alignment with Seasonal living.  

Autumn Equinox Sacred Sound


Water Element Ceremony

Your invited to join me, this coming Sunday for an intentional ceremony to honor and welcome in the Fall season as a way to support your sense of belonging, connection and rootedness into your being by attuning to Mother Earth and the season.


During the Autumn Equinox ceremony, you'll be guided inward, into the depths of your being, into your emotional body to surrender, release and harvest the bounty that you cultivated throughout this year inviting you to welcome in more balance and harmony. 


You'll experience a powerful multi-sensory Elemental tea ceremony as you experience the song and Spirit of the plant ally holding the ceremony. You'll soak up a meditative harmonic sound healing journey for clarity and restoration from the crystal Alchemy singing bowls, ocean drum, Venus gong, monochord and various planetary sound healing instruments to recalibrate you on every level of your being; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 


You'll receive a seasonal soul aligning offering to hold your heart's intentions/prayers along with the Mama Fish Autumn Equinox Seasonal Elemental Guidebook to support you throughout the whole season which includes deepening practices allowing you to discover ways to deepen into the season and move with the ebb and flow of the Autumn months.


At this seasonal shift we are being asked to shift to a more yin way of living in preparation for the colder months just as the natural world is alongside the plant and animal kingdom so this ceremony will offer you ways to allow space for this transition.  As humans, we are being asked to live more connected to our bodies' innate wisdom within us all by establishing a deeper relationship with the natural world held within Mother Earth's seasonal cycles and the Cosmos.  


Honoring the seasonal thresholds as our Ancestors lived with presence and acknowledgement offers tremendous potential for bringing you into relationship with the innate wisdom of your body and an opportunity to reconnect to the flow of life and the cyclical rhythms of the natural world.


If you're ready to step into the Autumn months feeling more connected to learning how to live in alignment with the natural world around you and are ready to connect to the infinite source of love within the Universe, I would be deeply honored to share my hearts work with you.


Each seasonal ceremony holds a unique energy depending on what Spirit, our Ancestors and the Universe has in store for us, I'm looking forward to sharing what this ceremony will hold for us all. 

Use this link here to sign up!

Maya Revilla