Debi Tonsager


2012 was a stressful time as a working Mom and Foster Parent. For nearly 40 years running was my out, but I blew out my knee kickboxing and my running days were over. I needed something low impact that would still get my heart rate up and allow me to be me for an hour or so. I was pretty skeptical to try Yoga, especially in a hot room, but I figured I'd give it a try, if I didn't like it I never had to go back. I fell in love with yoga that very first class (okay, a great deal of my first few classes were lying on my mat). Paula was one of my very first teachers and she loved me and encouraged me through it all and that has not changed over the years. I earned my RYT200 certificate in October 2016 and have taught over 1,000 classes since then, earning my E-RYT in 2019 and have begun my 500 hour certification. I love teaching. I love sharing yoga with others. I have seen the profound impacts of yoga, mind, body and soul for myself and many others. Yoga is a time to really make the mind body connection, this world teaches us to go go go.....but that is just not reality, it is not sustainable. Yoga offers us a way to downshift, to take the time to love on ourselves in a meaningful way. When we take time for ourselves, we have so much more to offer to others. I am passionate about listening to my students, meeting them where they are. Yoga is for everyone, I encourage props in class to support the body and help it learn how to properly move into postures. I teach Hatha (26/2), Power/Vinyasa, Yin and Fusion. I add essential oils to my classes when I can (and life). It is a beautiful way to enhance your practice. When I am not in the studio, you can find me subbing at my children's school, driving school bus (sub), watching my daughters various sports, helping an organization that supports foster parents, crafting or hiking around our beautiful state with my family.

"Peace, It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard-work. It means to be in the midst of these things and still be calm in your heart." Unknown This is what Yoga and Sol Health give to me- Peace. Sol Health has been such a blessing to me in so many ways, I have found a home, a family, a community. Come join me on the mat, love on yourself, give yourself this gift of time, you deserve it, you are enough.

Namaste, Debi Tonsager

Maya Revilla