Open Your Heart

Activate your Heart Chakra by Practicing the Balance of Giving and Receiving

Balancing the Yin and Yang energies is at the Heart of everything our studio is.

This Saturday, we invite you to join us in Opening our Hearts to the practice of balancing our yin and yang energies through giving and receiving yoga from 12-1:30pm. Whether you join us in giving financially or join us to receive class, everyone is encouraged to participate.

All of the donations raised in Open Your Heart classes will go into our Helping Hands Fund, a scholarship for students who are interested in having a yoga practice but do not have the financial means for a membership.

This fund, as well as our karma yogi program, are specifically dear to my heart because before I joined the team I didn’t have the financial means to become a studio member. I know what it is like to want a yoga practice and not have the finances to support it. I truly believe in the transformation a yoga practice and becoming a part of a studio can bring. When I joined the karma yogi program, I realized how much my life had lacked community. Being a part of this space has softened my heart and has brought me back to a place of feeling more whole. More like myself. What a powerful environment to be a part of.

Below is information on how you can contribute to our even exchange programs. If you are interested or know someone who is, please let us know.

To join our karma yogi program:

  1. 1)  Express your interest to our front desk staff.

  2. 2)  Determine a schedule of availability on when you’d like to come in.

  3. 3)  Train with our staff to learn the role.

  4. 4)  Become part of our Karma Yogi Team!

To participate in our helping hands program:

  • ●  To Give: Look out for our Open Your Heart classes on MIndBody. Donate

    funds on the day of class.

  • ●  To Receive:

    • ○  Join our donation based offerings.

    • ○  Let the front desk know you’re interested in using helping hands.

      Open your heart through the exchange of giving and receiving by joining our studios’ even exchange programs. We all go through seasons of life where our capacity to give and receive shift. If you’re in a place of giving, create a ripple effect of positivity by doing something kind for another person. If you’re in a state of receiving, give yourself permission to be filled with the abundance around you. Let’s all come together and enjoy the benefits of yoga while raising money to share its power with more people in the community! We hope to see you and your loved ones this Saturday at 12PM for our Open Your Heart Class.

      Take Care!


Sign up for the next “Open Your Heart” class here.

Maya Revilla