Victoria Houseworth

I walked into my first yoga class in 2015 and never looked back. It has been such a healing experience in all aspects of my life. I believe that yoga teaches us how to listen and be kind to our bodies in ways that we are untaught as we grow up. I feel as though once I learned how to listen to what my body was telling me, life became clearer.

 I completed my teacher training in Fall of 2019 and taught my first class on the 1-year anniversary of an organ donation. Knowing how to listen to my body and be kind to it played a major role in my recovery, both physical and mental. I try to frame my personal and teaching practice in learning how to be comfortable in our bodies at whatever stage it is in at that particular moment. I aim to create an environment where you can feel confident and empowered to take up whatever space you are in-- because you deserve to be there. I encourage you to take what your body needs and make that practice whatever you need it to be. Iā€™m there to guide you and give ideas; you know your body better than anyone else.

 My hope is that you leave our practice with a sense of belonging and self-appreciation on your heart--and that you are able to take that with you for the rest of your day.

Maya Revilla