Meet Your Teachers


Anyssa Matheson

My yoga journey started in 2014. Walking in to my first hot yoga class, to say the least, I was skeptical. I remember thinking… Cont.

Chelsea Shaw

“The wings of humankind is its aspirations” ~ Rumi.  

I aspire to give to my community by teaching my love and knowledge of yoga… cont.

Corinne Anderson

Yoga has helped my mind, body and soul tremendously. I value the space we share and want to create an environment… cont.


Debi Tonsager

I am passionate about listening to my students, meeting them where they are. Yoga is for everyone… cont.


Kait Johnson

My aunt took me to my first Hot Yoga class In 2009 at Hot Yoga Inc in Federal Way. I felt like I was dying the entire time, I couldn’t wait… cont.

DiAnne Bergmann

Looking for a mindful yoga practice with some fun along the way?  I teach a balanced yoga practice that includes movement, meditation, and… cont.

Rebecca Butler

Hello, I’m Rebecca. I began my yoga practice in 2015 and have been teaching for 4 years. I knew I wanted to share yoga with others as soon as I experienced… cont.

Gwen Revilla

I base my teachings with this belief in mind: “we are who we surround ourselves with” I feel it is important to make connections with others… cont.


Sherry Davis

I first practiced yoga as a teen and loved the experience of being in the moment with my body, this introduced me into…cont.

Laurie Rikansrud

Hello, I'm Laurie ! I began my own personal practice about 20 years ago… cont.

Victoria Houseworth

walked into my first yoga class in 2015 and never looked back. It has been such a healing experience… cont.

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Kylie Storm

I offer Yoga classes and Wellness Coaching. I started my yogic journey in 2012 where I found myself… cont.


Malinda Hanson

At Sol Health I know I have found that place to practice, teach and learn in a warm welcoming environment with… cont.

Mariah Buck

I started my yoga journey in 2012 and to be honest, I didn’t even make it 35 minutes into class. Like any beginner new to the heat… cont.

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Maya Revilla Ehnat

She specializes in a soft approach to balance and healing, and provides a space for her students to feel… cont.

Mignon Sutherland-Sauve

I am so intrigued by the art of slowing down within life. This idea of "slowing down" is infused into all of my offerings… cont.


Vanessa Simpson

I began my yoga practice 8 years ago in college. It was very relaxing and most importantly, I loved the people that came to the classes. I remember my teacher… cont.

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Paula Revilla

Paula is passionate about sharing Yoga with the community. She is grateful for the opportunity to expand herself and… cont.

Sarah Whittaker

Sarah’s 1st downward facing dog brought an overwhelming sense of, “finally I’m home” to her in her 1st yoga class in 1995. Soon after… cont.


Tinneca Fortin

I offer yin yoga, meditation and Himalayan sound healing. My practice is guided by my own personal ongoing… cont.


Hope Henry

I fell absolutely in love with yoga in 2016. I attended my 200 hour teacher training in 2017 with the intention to… cont.

Parker Elliott

Hello friends (: I’m just another wandering spirit, stumbling through life in this human form, trying to bring happiness to myself and others.
I was hooked to yoga as soon as I… cont.

Kat Randall

Kat is a lifelong movement practitioner with a background in a variety of sports athletics that she participated in from a young age while growing up in… cont.

Alev Meyer

My yoga journey started in 2018 with a 30-day yoga challenge program and about half way, I knew I wanted to do this the rest of my life. By the end of the first year, I decided… cont.